Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Entra en efecto el Tratado de Libre Comercio con Korea

Florida Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association, Inc.

The US-Korea Free Trade Agreement takes effect this Thursday, March 15. If you have shipments from Korea, please check the classifications to determine what is qualified for duty-free or duty-reduced treatment under the agreements. For qualified entries, please ask your importer to ask if they want you to delay the entry until March 15.

If released before March 15, the entry will NOT qualify for the benefits of the US-Korea agreement. Do not do an early transmission for entries that you want to hold. A paperless release for an entry that arrives before March 15 will eliminate the qualifications. If you transmit an entry early that will definitely arrive after March 15, it is OK to go ahead and transmit. I would not cut it close for arrivals due on the March 15 or 16 in case they arrive early.

If you do have goods that qualify for the benefits under the agreement, please transmit your entry using the CF 3461 data only. Do not transmit through the entry summary. The programming for this agreement is not in ABI yet and there is a small chance that the programming will not be ready by the10th day after release. According to an ABI representative, you cannot delete an entry summary from ABI that has been released in ABI except for some very special reasons. If the programming is not done, you may still submit the entry as a non-ABI paper entry with the US-Korea claims included.

Monday, March 5, 2012

USDA Regulations: Updated Lacey ACT FAQ's

Florida Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association, Inc.

March 2, 2012
For FCBF Members and all interested in USDA regulations:

Subject: Updated Lacey ACT FAQ's

 USDA/APHIS 03/02/12

APHIS has updated the FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions for the Lacey Act Amendments of 2008. The FAQ was updated to reflect the current implementation schedule, guidance, and two introduce two new questions. These new questions cover passenger baggage and musical instruments for performance purposes.
The updated FAQ can be found on the Lacey Act Website. The Lacey Act Website contains all of the updated information on how to comply with the declaration requirement.

In order to keep up to date with APHIS guidance on the Lacey Act, please bookmark this site. www.aphis.usda.gov/plant_health/lacey_act 

If you have any questions regarding the plant or plant product aspects of the Lacey Act feel free to contact: Lacey.Act.Declaration@aphis.usda.gov
Ken Bargteil, LCB, CCS - Bal ZC
Corporate Compliance Officer

Kuehne + Nagel Inc.
810 Landmark Drive
Suites 221-229
Glen Burnie, MD 21061

Phone +1 410-412-7263 x2274

Florida Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association, Inc.

March 2, 2012
For FCBF Members and all interested in USDA regulations:

Subject: Updated Lacey ACT FAQ's

 USDA/APHIS 03/02/12

APHIS has updated the FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions for the Lacey Act Amendments of 2008. The FAQ was updated to reflect the current implementation schedule, guidance, and two introduce two new questions. These new questions cover passenger baggage and musical instruments for performance purposes.
The updated FAQ can be found on the Lacey Act Website. The Lacey Act Website contains all of the updated information on how to comply with the declaration requirement.

In order to keep up to date with APHIS guidance on the Lacey Act, please bookmark this site. www.aphis.usda.gov/plant_health/lacey_act 

If you have any questions regarding the plant or plant product aspects of the Lacey Act feel free to contact: Lacey.Act.Declaration@aphis.usda.gov
Ken Bargteil, LCB, CCS - Bal ZC
Corporate Compliance Officer

Kuehne + Nagel Inc.
810 Landmark Drive
Suites 221-229
Glen Burnie, MD 21061

Phone +1 410-412-7263 x2274