Thursday, November 29, 2012

INFORMATION BULLETIN NUMBER: 13-008: Relocation of Agriculture Air Cargo Office

TO: All importers, Air Carriers, Customs Brokers, and Other Interested Parties

SUBJECT: Relocation of Agriculture Air Cargo Office

The purpose of this information bulletin is to notify the relocation of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Agriculture Air Cargo Inspections office from Cargo Building 708 to CBP Cargo Clearance Center (CCC), second floor, room 272. The relocation to the new location will be effective at 12:01 am on Monday, December 3, 2012. The transition will occur on Sunday, December 2, 2012 from 11:00 pm to Monday, December 3, 2012 around 12:01 am.

To request any agriculture inspection service during the transition, please contact the Agriculture Air Cargo Operation Desk at (305) 526-2933 and fax number (305) 526-2762. The new contact telephone number for the Agriculture Air Cargo Operation Desk after the transition is (305) 869-2800 and fax number (305) 869-2822.

We will continue providing service for any service related inquiries via email at

Should you have further questions, please contact Chief Michael DiBlasi at (305) 492-5387.

DISCLAIMER: This information bulletin has been prepared for your convenience by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Miami International Airport. This material is intended to provide guidance to the trade community and may not be relied upon in satisfying any legal obligations to CBP. Reliance on this information bulletin may not be considered reasonable care. (see Treasury Decision 97-96 (Dec. 1, 1997)

Rolando Suliveras Jr.
Port Directior 
Miami International Airport

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Cybercriminals:Security researchers from Symantec are warning about a recently intercepted flood of Xmas themed malicious and fraudulent campaigns.

Security researchers from Symantec are warning about a recently intercepted flood of Xmas themed malicious and fraudulent campaigns.
Christmas card 2
Security researchers from Symantec are warning about a recently intercepted flood of Xmas themed malicious and fraudulent campaigns. Isn't it too early for such type of campaigns to be launched, or are the spammers behind these campaigns relying on a different set of marketing tactics? The campaign is a great example of a flawed event-based social engineering attempt. Not only are the senders completely unknown by the recipients, but also, users are exposed to fraudulent E-shops for counterfreit shops, something that weren't looking for to begin with.
The mentality behind these types of campaigns is fairly simple - starting from the basic fact that a user will not be interested in requesting bulk orders of viagra by default, the cybercriminals are relying on incidential discovery of their fraudulent proposition in an attempt to convert these users into potential customers.
Over the past year, we've seen numerous attempts to entice users into clicking on these links, by impersonating a legitimate message or notification from a respected, trusted and well known brands. These are prone to intensify over the next two months.
Users are advised to avoid clicking on links found in such messages, and to report them as spam immediatelly.

E N M I O P I N I O N: Por: Ricardo Tribín Acosta

Un zarpazo a Mark Twain

Quisiera mencionar algunas máximas del genial escritor Mark Twain que me encantan. Empezare con esta perla “Un hombre con una idea nueva es un loco hasta que la idea triunfa”. Me parece que esto ocurre muchísimo y ha sido el denominador de muchas realizaciones. Para ello me remito a casos como los de Arquímedes; Newton y Edison, para no omitir ni a Colon, así como tampoco a Bell. Claro que hay algunos que se ingenian “la mejor empanada del mundo” hasta que, para su desdicha, muchos arrancan pronto a copiarla.

Ahora veamos esta : “El banquero es un señor que nos presta el paraguas cuando hay sol y nos lo exige cuando empieza a llover”. Será esto común en los momentos actuales en los que se les ha dado a los bancos muchísimo dinero para rescatarlos de sus afugias y ellos no han devuelto casi nada a cambio a sus clientes? Lo triste de esto es que la banca es un servicio público y a los banqueros se les olvida que la plata que manejan no es de ellos y por ello caen con frecuencia en el efecto “plumilla” el que equivale a repetir con demasiada frecuencia a su clientela :…no.

Esta otra me llegó con fuerza “El hombre es un experimento; el tiempo demostrará si valía la pena”. Mi adición a ella seria que es la realidad viviente de un ser que pasa por el mundo en plan de purificación y de cambio y que, si logra superar durante su vida aquellos defectos que más le afligen, podrá considerase como un verdadero victorioso.

Miami, Noviembre 10 de 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

AT&T is hiring in Florida for November and December of this year

AT&T is hiring in Florida.  Below is an update of several of our current job openings in the Florida area for November and December of this year at this time along with the attached flyers associated with these opportunities I directly support.

I ask your help by sharing these wonderful opportunities with those who are in need of employment as well as those who are seeking a better career opportunity.  Together, we can help reduce the unemployment rate and help our communities continue to be a better place to live and work. 

Please also share the attached flyers and job openings information to members of your social and communication networks (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, newsletters, e-mail blasts, website, etc.).

Feel free to contact me directly if I can be of assistance to you and/or if you have any questions and/or need further information. My direct line is: 404-927-5862.

1.    AT&T Bilingual Customer Service Representative (Miami, FL)

Ø  Scheduling appointments to meet with candidates now
Ø  Full-time, regular status positions
Ø  Starting pay range of $380.50-$576.00 per wk. You’ll earn even more through sales and job performance/tenure incentives.

2.    AT&T Sales Consultants (Miami, FL and Ft. Lauderdale, FL)

Ø  Scheduling appointments to meet with candidates now
Ø  Full-time, regular status positions
Ø  Our Sales Consultants can earn over $45,000 in their first year by meeting sales targets and quotas. Starting base pay depends on experience/education. Opportunities to earn even more through sales and job performance/tenure incentives.

3.    AT&T Customer Service Representative (Ocala, FL)

Ø  Scheduling appointments to meet with candidates now
Ø  Full-time, regular status positions
Ø  Center hours of operation: Mon–Fri, 7am–9:15pm, Sat: 9am-6:15pm (work schedule is based on at least 40 hours a week within this timeframe).
Ø  Starting pay range of $410.50-$576.00 per wk ($21,346.00-$29,952.00 per year). Opportunities to earn even more through sales and job performance/tenure incentives.

4.    AT&T Customer Assistants (Orange Park, FL)

Ø  Scheduling appointments to meet with candidates now
Ø  Full-time, regular status positions
Ø  Center hours of operation: Mon–Sat, 8am–10pm (work schedule is based on at least 40 hours a week within this timeframe).
Ø  Starting pay range of $404.00-$537.23 per wk ($21,008.00-$27,935.96 per year). Opportunities to earn even more through job performance and tenure incentives.

5.    AT&T Premises Technicians (Florida List of Locations)

Ø  Ft. Lauderdale Area  (Hollywood, Ft. Lauderdale, Lauderdale Lakes, Oakland Park, Pembroke Pines, Pompano Beach)

Ø  Jacksonville Area  (Brunswick, GA●Fernandina Beach, Jacksonville, Jacksonville Beach, Orange Park, St. Augustine)

Ø  Key West
Ø  Merritt Island

Ø  Orlando Area (Deland, Lake Mary, Orlando)
Ø  Pensacola Area (Gulfbreeze, Pensacola●Biloxi, MS●Gulfport, MS●Mobile, AL)
Ø  North Miami Area (Hialeah, Miami, Miami Beach, Miami Gardens, Miami Springs)
Ø  South Miami Area (Florida City, Homestead, Miami)

Ø  South Daytona

Ø  West Palm Beach Area  (Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, Fort Pierce, Lake Worth, Riviera Beach, Vero Beach, West Palm Beach)
Candidates must apply to each job posting of the location(s) of interest in order to be considered.

Ø  Scheduling appointments to meet with candidates now
Ø  Full-time, regular status positions. Apply to each location of interest on the list to be considered.
Ø  Starting pay range $9-$15 per hour. Opportunities to earn even more through sales and job performance/tenure incentives.
Ø  Benefits for the Premises Technicians begin on the first day, to include 401K

See what it’s like to work at AT&T:
Examples of why AT&T is a great company:
Competitive salary/benefits:

E N M I O P I N I O N:Por: Ricardo Tribín Acosta,Ehi Passiko

Ehi Passiko

Este término Budista que implica algo así como “Vaya y vea por si mismo” es fundamentalmente un resultado del encuentro interior en el cual la persona logra aquietar sus pensamientos y concentrarse en sus propias vivencias, libre de prejuicio o de pensamientos atormentadores. Se habla entonces del proceso de “Mindfulness” o “Atención Plena”, el cual significa prestar atención de manera consciente a la experiencia del instante presente con interés y aceptación.

Todo lo anterior tiene que ver con el calmar la mente, lo cual está convocado en las diferentes formas de meditación que existen. Algunos, en el proceso, se concentran en su respiración, mientras que otros utilizan un “Mantra”( una voz repetitiva de un solo elemento), todo lo cual les conduce a quitarse de encima ese torbellino de ideas que surgen con la misma frecuencia a la vez en nuestras cabezas y que no nos ayudan para nada para estar en paz. Ante ello, etapas tan difíciles de aceptar como las perdidas, los abandonos, las enfermedades, los defectos físicos y hasta el envejecimiento, podrán ser abordados con mayor tranquilidad y claridad.

Es pues aquietar el “comité” mental, todo lo cual se hace en algunos casos acompañado de música suave y de la voz tenue del “facilitador” del evento, cuando este participa, aunque en muchas ocasiones esta práctica se puede llevar a cabo en forma individual. Es esto entonces un camino que conduce a la tranquilidad mental, todo lo cual nos permitirá luego afrontar con calma las diferentes situaciones que a diario se nos presentan y que sin ser fáciles tampoco ameritan ser tan agobiantes como en ocasiones las visualizamos.

Miami, Noviembre 3 de 2012