Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Que descansada vida...Por: Ricardo Tribín Acosta

 E  N    M  I    O  P  I  N  I  O  N

Algo que he registrado en mis lecturas y me ha gustado bastante, expresa que “resulta importante aprender a respirar, relajarse, hacer silencio interior y estar en paz, manteniéndose lejos del desasosiego y la ansiedad”, lo cual me trae a colación lo que escribí al comienzo del primero de mis cinco libros “Y como empiezo mi cambio? , adonde recuerdo a Fray Luis de León, famoso por su hermoso poema “Vida retirada”, en el que en la parte inicial recita: ¡Qué descansada vida la del que huye el mundanal ruido y sigue la escondida senda por donde han ido los pocos sabios que en el mundo han sido.

Por ello, cuando el estrés y la ansiedad nos agobien, generalmente por la forma como vemos y asimilamos las cosas, resulta conveniente, como me lo enseñara mi gran maestro Héctor Trujillo Mejía, quien a menudo me hablaba de la necesidad de calmar la mente disputando nuestros pensamientos complejos, logrando de esta manera cambiar la manera de pensar, con miras a buscar una modificación positiva en la forma de sentir y de actuar. 

Precisamente Trujillo escribió en el prólogo de ese, mi primer libro, lo siguiente “De ahí que recordando que las sugeridas metas de Ricardo son la Paz, el Amor y la Serenidad, en esto me trae a mi filósofo de cabecera, Bertrand Russell, quien, aunque libre pensador, lo llegaron a describir como el más místico de los filósofos modernos y que escribió en su autobiografía que tres metas había tenido en su vida: El Amor, el Conocimiento, y la Compasión por los seres humanos y en este último había fracasado. Había tratado sin éxito aminorar el sufrimiento humano.  Yo diría que la obra de Tribín; sin ser religiosa, es fuertemente espiritual.  Tribín es Franciscano con el existencialismo de San Agustín de Hipona, expresado en su concepto del tiempo”. 

Miami, Abril 20 de 2016

Monday, April 18, 2016

Taco Bell's Incredible Two-Year Quest to Melt Cheese (BW)

Taco Bell Celebrates the National Pre-Order Pick-Up of What Coul
A customer pulls apart a Taco Bell Corp. Quesalupa.

  • Quesalupa -- grandchild of Gordita, child of Chalupa -- reigns
  • Mexican-food chain hopes to ride gooey trail to more sales

A cheese lover on Twitter expressed less than complete satisfaction with the Quesalupa, Taco Bell’s newest and cheesiest menu item. The company’s social-media team was on it.

“Dear @tacobell, Why can’t the quesalupa be as cheesy as your commercials? Sincerely, A customer who would marry cheese,” the tweet read.

The tweet popped up on one of the dozen wall-hung screens that employees monitor in the “Fishbowl” at Taco Bell headquarters in Irvine, California.

Matt Prince swooped in. As head of the 15-person “newsroom” team, it’s his job to defend and protect what Taco Bell calls The Cheese Pull -- the taffy-like web of pepper jack created by pulling apart a Quesalupa. A snag like the one described in the tweet might trigger an e-mail to one of the 6,500 Taco Bell restaurants, reminding staff not to overcook the tortilla or allow the shells to lie around too long after they’ve been fried in canola oil. Taco Bell spent two years perfecting the technique after a decade of noodling with “the cheese-pully thing,” said Liz Matthews, chief food innovation and beverage officer, and it’s betting its future on plenty of cheesy elasticity for maximum customer goo.

Be Amazing

“It’s got to have an amazing, delicious cheese pull in every bite,” Matthews said in an interview in the company’s international test kitchen this month.

It’s hard to overstate the importance of The Cheese Pull to Taco Bell and its parent company, Yum! Brands Inc., which has a $33 billion market value and more than $13 billion in revenue last year. With Yum planning to spin off its China unit and growth otherwise slowing at Taco Bell’s siblings, KFC and Pizza Hut, it’s come down to this: The near-term performance of Yum depends on Taco Bell, and the performance of Taco Bell rests on The Cheese Pull.

“The strongest brand in the portfolio is clearly Taco Bell,” Yum Chief Executive Officer Greg Creed said last month. Yum plans to open the first Taco Bell this year in China, where KFC growth slowed after a supplier scandal in 2014. There’s talk of taking Taco Bell to Australia, too.

Yum’s stock price has rallied 11 percent this year, outpacing the 1.4 percent gain in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index.

Sales at established Taco Bell locations jumped 5 percent last year, compared with growth of 1 percent at Pizza Hut and 3 percent for KFC. Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc.’s recent sales troubles, caused by E. coli and norovirus outbreaks, give the brand an opportunity to attract more fast-foodies.

Taco Bell, founded by Glen Bell in 1962, made its name introducing Americans to quasi-Mexican fare, such as the Bell Beefer and Enchirito. The Gordita came along in 1998, begetting the Chalupa shortly after that. The Quesalupa -- a quesadilla-Chalupa mashup -- is the latest generation born in the test kitchen.

Quesalupa Debut

The Quesalupa rolled out with accompanying fanfare on Feb. 8 after a 36-store test in Toledo, Ohio. The company said it persuaded Americans to order 71,000 of the $2.99 tacos with cheese-filled shells without even disclosing what they were -- they called it a “blind preorder.” The advertising campaign was Taco Bell’s most expensive ever, and it included a 30-second TV spot that ran during the Feb. 7 Super Bowl, claiming the Quesalupa would be bigger than man-buns, drones, aliens and James Harden’s beard, among other things.

The commercial, airing during the priciest TV time of the year, cost an estimated $5 million just to broadcast, according to Andrew Alvarez, an analyst at research firm IBISWorld. The star of the ad was The Cheese Pull.

Getting The Pull exactly right isn’t easy. If the shell isn’t fried the proper 90 seconds or if it sits for more than 15 minutes after cooking, the cheese hardens and won’t be melty enough for a proper stringy bridge between separated pieces. The item was at least partly inspired by stuffed-crust pizzas. Matthews said Taco Bell aims to take advantage of Americans’ expanding love affair with cheese.

“People stopped seeing cheese as an ingredient -- cheese really became the center of the plate and a big deal,” Matthews said.

Americans ate about 34.2 pounds per person in 2014, 9.4 percent more than a decade earlier, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data.

Quesalupa calorie counts: chicken and steak, 440; beef, 460; breakfast sausage, 590.

Ironically, Taco Bell said it’s close to fulfilling its goal for a healthier menu by removing preservatives and fake flavors from 95 percent of its menu. It’s also quietly pushing its lower-calorie Fresco menu, which substitutes pico de gallo for guacamole, sour cream, cheese and any mayonnaise-based sauces.

In a 2015 survey by Nation’s Restaurant News and WD Partners, Taco Bell ranked last for food quality among limited-service Mexican restaurants, coming in after Del Taco Restaurants Inc. and Taco John’s International Inc. as well as fast-casual rivals Chipotle and Qdoba. It also had the lowest cleanliness and service scores.

Where it didn’t come in dead last: value and craveability -- industry-speak for fatty, salty, sugary food.

“I don’t think Taco Bell is going to Chipotle-style food,” said Peter Saleh, an analyst at BTIG in New York. “The core of what Taco Bell does has to continue to be value, new product news and interesting new items.”

In the Fishbowl

Back in the Fishbowl, Prince keeps his eyes on the Twitter screen.

The room looks like a 20-something’s dream, with cushy couches and chairs, pop art on the wall and even a cooler stocked with Heineken. Perfect for a key Taco Bell customer -- the 25-year-old dude-bro, hankering for a late-night Cheese Pull.

“When you’re 16, you want to be 25, and when you’re 60, you want to be 25,” Prince said. “No matter how old you are, you want to be 25.”

More Quesalupa tweets came across the screen. Prince was watching.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Join the One Percent and Live a Decade Longer (BW)

Income inequality is extending the lives of America's richest more than ever.

The wealthiest Americans can expect to live at least a decade longer than the poorest—and that gap, as with income inequality, is growing ever wider.

New research in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows top earning Americans gained 2 to 3 years of life expectancy between 2001 and 2014, while those at the bottom gained little or nothing. Plenty of research has already shown that health and wealth are intertwined, and that they generally improve in tandem as you move up the income scale. But this year, the vanishing middle class and wildly divergent incomes among Americans have been central issues in a vitriolic race for the White House. Today's JAMA research shows in the starkest terms yet how disparities in wealth are mirrored by life expectancy, and how both are getting worse.

Research last year showed that mortality rates are rising among middle-aged whites, largely due to suicide, drug overdoses, and alcohol. That work, by Princeton University economists Anne Case and Nobel Prize winner Angus Deaton, reflected economic stresses on working class whites that have in turn fueled the ascendancy of Republican Donald Trump and his populist message. The latest paper reinforces the idea that inequality in the U.S.—the issue that’s also driven Sen. Bernie Sanders' campaign on the Democratic side—has consequences beyond wealth and income.

Take a 40-year-old man in the top 1 percent. He can expect to live, on average, to 87. His counterpart in the bottom 1 percent would be expected to perish, on average, before his 73rd birthday. For women, who live longer on average, the gap was narrower, but still substantial. Life expectancy for the richest women is almost 89, about 10 years longer than the poorest.

The authors—economists from Stanford University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, consulting firm McKinsey & Co., and the U.S. Treasury’s office of tax analysis—used anonymous Internal Revenue Service data from 1.4 billion tax records over 15 years and matched them to death records from the Social Security Administration. 

The change between 2001 and 2014 shows that the wealthy are benefiting more from gains in longevity than the destitute. Men among the top 5 percent of earners gained more than two years and women gained almost three. In the bottom 5 percent, life expectancy for men only increased by a few months, and for women, hardly at all.

When the researchers looked at how life expectancy changed by geography, there were some bright spots. Among the bottom 25 percent of incomes some regions had longevity gains of more than four years, while others lost more than two years. The differences "suggest that the increasing inequality in health outcomes in the U.S. as a whole is not immutable,” the authors write. The shortest life expectancy in the poorest quartile was in Oklahoma and rust belt cities like Gary, Ind., and Toledo, Ohio. The longest was in cities like New York and San Francisco, with “with highly educated populations, high incomes, and high levels of government expenditures."

The geographic differences in life expectancy for low-income people weren’t strongly explained by access to health care, unemployment rates, or housing segregation, the authors write. Instead, lifestyle and behavior were at work: smoking, obesity, and exercise. "Individuals in the lowest income quartile have more healthful behaviors and live longer in areas with more immigrants, higher home prices, and more college graduates,” the researchers found.

It’s important to note that the relationship between income and life expectancy is complicated. An analysis like this can show associations, but it can’t prove that one factor, like living in a highly educated city, caused people to live longer. “Income is correlated with other attributes that directly affect health,” the authors write, and those attributes aren’t measured in the analysis. Measuring life expectancy at age 40, as this study does, also doesn't capture important measures of health like infant mortality.

Angus Deaton, in a commentary accompanying the JAMA research, wrote that "the infamous 1 percent" get an extra 10 to 15 years "to enjoy their richly funded lives and to spend time with their children and grandchildren, and they are pulling away from everyone else. Inequality in health reinforces inequality in income, and perhaps even a longer life is for sale."

Tuesday, April 12, 2016









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Monday, April 11, 2016

Meet new commander in Little Havana

Good morning, hope you are all doing well.  As you know the Little Havana area has been assigned a new commander.  The new commander is Jesus Ibalmea and he is already working  in the area.  

In order to provide an opportunity for the community to meet Commander Ibalmea, the Little Havana is hosting a Meet and Greet this coming Thursday the 14th at 10:00AM.  You are cordially invited to come and have an opportunity to meet and hear the commander’s vision for the Little Havana district.

Hope  to see you Thursday.

Thank you.


Antonio Wagner .MSW 
Little Havana  NET Administrator  | City of Miami
1300  SW 12 AVE | MIAMI FLORIDA 33129
Off: 305.960.4650 

Friday, April 8, 2016

Newsletter AICO

Más de 500 empresarios y representantes de cámaras iberoamericanas asistieron al encuentro organizado por la CAC

El presidente de la Entidad, Carlos de la
Vega, inauguró el seminario internacional “Análisis de la Situación de América Latina y la Coyuntura Mundial”, que tuvo a reconocidos oradores como protagonistas

América Latina y El Caribe comprometidos con Agenda 2030 para Desarrollo Sostenible

La XX Reunión del Foro de Ministros de Medio Ambiente de América Latina y el Caribe se celebra en Cartagena de Indias

Leer más

América Latina aporta 1/4 de reservas petroleras de OPEP
La OPEP, que se reunirá en Qatar en abril próximo, concentra en Latinoamérica el 25,6% de sus reservas internacionales, específicamente en Venezuela y en mucho menor medida, en Ecuador.

Analizarán en la CEPAL impactos del TPP en América Latina y El Caribe

El martes 5 de abril se realizará un seminario sobre el Acuerdo de Asociación Transpacífico (TPP, por sus siglas en inglés) en la sede del organismo regional en Santiago, Chile.

Leer más...

Seminario: Cómo hacer negocios con China

Curso 100% práctico para potencializar sus habilidades de comercio exterior con el país más dinámico de Asia.
Próximo seminario: 20 de mayo de 2016
Sede: Ciudad de México
El seminario incluye una sesión de consultoría personalizada para trabajar con detalle su proyecto de comercio exterior (importación y/o exportación), a programarse en fecha diferente al curso.
Teléfono: 33-3880-1309

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Discover Global Markets: The Americas - June 15-16, 2016

Discover Global Markets

Register Now for Discover Global Markets: The Americas!

Ft. Lauderdale, FL | June 15-16

 Registration Button

Gain insight from leading experts in the Americas on the following topics:
  • Accessing Projects through Multilateral Development Banks
  • U.S.-Mexico Manufacturing: Back in the Race
  • Making the Most of Challenging Markets:  Venezuela, Bolivia & Ecuador
  • Technology & Innovation in Latin America
  • Working with Latin Americas Giants: State-Owned Enterprises
  • Market Focus: Canada and Opportunities to the North
  • What Foreign Investment in Latin America means for U.S. Exporters
  • Developing your Brand in Latin America
  • Market Focus: Argentina, Open for Business
In addition to powerful keynotes, dynamic workshops and plenary sessions, you will have the opportunity to pre-schedule one-on-one meetings with U.S. Commercial Diplomats from 19 countries in the Western Hemisphere!

Reserve your spot before April 15th to take advantage of our early bird registration price!

For more information visit our website: or contact:

Thank You to Our Sponsors:


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Conferencia Latinoamericana de Arbitraje 2016

"Este mensaje enviado a pretende informarlo a Ud. sobre noticias de la CLA. Si en el futuro usted no desea recibir estos mensajes responda este correo con el asunto REMOVER adjuntando la dirección disculpe las molestias"

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Inside the Little-Known Japan Firm Helping the FBI Crack iPhones

The little-known Japanese company at the center of a legal tussle between Apple Inc. and the U.S. government over the hacking of an iPhone built its business on pinball game machines and stumbled into the mobile phone security business almost by accident.

Cellebrite Mobile Synchronization Ltd. worked with the FBI to crack an iPhone connected in a terrorist attack, according to people familiar with the matter, who asked not to be identified as the matter is private. Neither Cellebrite nor the FBI have confirmed the link, and a spokesman from parent Sun Corp. on Thursday said the company isn’t able to comment on specific criminal cases.

Sun, based in a small town of 100,000 southwest of Tokyo, has been building pinball-like game machines found in Japan’s pachinko parlors since the 1970s but has often displayed bigger tech ambitions. The Konan, Aichi-based company developed personal computers in the late 1970s, computer games and more recently, iPhone mahjong apps. In 2007, as sales slumped, Sun acquired Petah Tikva, Israel-based Cellebrite.

Cellebrite hadn’t ventured into forensics at the time, and the purchase was mainly to add phone-to-phone data transfer to Sun’s fledgling telecommunications business, said the Japanese company’s spokesman Hidefumi Sugaya. When Cellebrite later took on investigative agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation as clients, the business took off, he said in a telephone interview. Today, the bulk of Sun’s mobile data solutions business comes from Cellebrite, said Sugaya.

Sun’s shares have surged since March 21, when U.S. authorities said a third party demonstrated a way to access data on the iPhone used in the San Bernardino, California, mass shooting last year. The shares rose 7 percent to 1,091 yen by the close of trading in Tokyo on Thursday.

“If it’s Cellebrite it’s probably good publicity for them,” said Bryce Boland, chief technology officer for Asia Pacific at security company FireEye Inc. “There are other companies as well that provide tools in this space, and Cellebrite are one of the best companies in this space.”
Revenue from Cellebrite’s mobile data solutions division overtook pachinko parts in Sun’s fiscal year ended March 2014 and contributed 13.6 billion yen ($121 million) or 50 percent of sales in the last fiscal year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. It’s now the largest business segment for Sun.

Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth last week identified Cellebrite, which has captured a large slice of the mobile forensics market over the past decade, as the FBI’s partner in cracking the iPhone.

The U.S. Justice Department said on Tuesday it has gained access to the data on the shooter’s phone with third party help, and dropped its legal case against Cupertino, California-based Apple.

"Although the FBI didn’t get a legal decision that would require Apple to hack around its own security software, it created a situation where they can go to third parties to do that," said Matt Larson, an analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence. "Companies like Cellebrite may have found a niche industry of assisting the FBI unlock personal devices in select cases moving forward."

Cellebrite sells hardware and software for extracting data from hand-held devices, even if it has been encrypted or deleted. It employs more than 500 people and has offices in Israel, the U.S., Brazil, Germany, Singapore and the U.K., according to its website. Founded in 1999, Cellebrite was bought by Sun Corp. for a reported $17.5 million.

The value of forensics companies such as Cellebrite, particularly for law enforcement agencies, goes beyond accessing encrypted data, according to Jonathan Zdziarski, a cyber-security researcher and iPhone security expert who consults with law enforcement.

Study Patches

"As you copy the evidence from the phone, you need to be able to catalog it and demonstrate you haven’t tampered with it -- show that the file that came from the phone is the same file you are using in court," he said. "There have been plenty of free hacking tools available -- it’s not just about getting to the data. All of these problems are addressed by forensics companies like Cellebrite."

The Israeli firm may have been able to come up with a method to crack the iPhone from studying patches that Apple’s released, or updates to software that fix vulnerabilities, said FireEye’s Boland, adding he had no direct knowledge of this case.

“It’s a fairly straightforward method for a researcher to identify what has been changed, and from that reverse-engineer what the flaw was and then build a tool to exploit that flaw,” he said.