Business Development Trade Mission to Bogota, Colombia
September 30 - October 3, 2009.
The Latin Chamber of Commerce of USA - CAMACOL
will be presenting a Business Development Trade Mission to Bogota, Colombia September 30 - October 3, 2009. Individuals attending this mission may extend their stay at their convenience.
Mission Activities:
Business BreakfastCountry Briefing by U.S. Embassy Informative Seminar and Presentation Business LuncheonNetworking ReceptionsBusiness Matchmaking Sessions
Mission Costs:
American Airlines roundtrip airfare: $300 per person, plus taxes and fees.This airfare is possible thanks to AA, Americas Linkage Program.
Hotel - 101 Park House, Bogota, Colombia - $155 a night plus tax includes breakfast.
For more information and participation please contact:
Mission Activities:
Business BreakfastCountry Briefing by U.S. Embassy Informative Seminar and Presentation Business LuncheonNetworking ReceptionsBusiness Matchmaking Sessions
Mission Costs:
American Airlines roundtrip airfare: $300 per person, plus taxes and fees.This airfare is possible thanks to AA, Americas Linkage Program.
Hotel - 101 Park House, Bogota, Colombia - $155 a night plus tax includes breakfast.
For more information and participation please contact:
Joe G. Xirau or Betty Gradera at: 305 642- 3870.
Sponsored By:
Sponsored By:
American Airlines, State of Florida, AmCham Colombia, Miami Dade County, City of Miami.
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