Friday, February 24, 2012

Servicio Público: Nuevo esquema de tráfico en la 836 hacia el oeste

Subject: Permanent Ramp Closure and New Traffic Pattern on Westbound SR 836
On Monday morning, February 27, the westbound State Road (SR) 836 flyover ramp on the left hand side to SR 826 south will be permanently closed and a new traffic pattern will be implemented.

Once the flyover ramp is closed, drivers on westbound SR 836 wanting to access SR 826 north or south will need to exit earlier at the NW 72 Avenue/ SR 826 ramp located on the right after NW 57 Avenue.  By exiting at the NW 72 Avenue/SR 826 ramp, drivers will be able to access the exit ramps to NW 72 Avenue, SR 826 north and the loop ramp to SR 826 south that will have been widened to two lanes.

It is important to note that the exit ramp and travel lanes to access NW 72 Avenue and SR 826 will be separated from the mainline westbound SR 836 travel lanes by concrete barrier walls.  If drivers wanting to access SR 826 north or south do not exit at the NW 72 Avenue/ SR 826 ramp, they will not be able to access SR 826 north or south and will need to exit at NW 87 Avenue or pay a toll at NW 107 Avenue.

In order to prepare for the removal of the flyover and the new traffic pattern, the following lane closures will occur:

Friday, February 24 (Saturday, February 25 as an alternate), 10 p.m. to 9:30 a.m.:
NW 72 Avenue ramp to westbound SR 836 will be closed
Go west on NW 12 Street
Access westbound SR 836 entrance ramp after NW 87 Avenue
One westbound lane on SR 836 will close from NW 72 Avenue to SR 826.  Two  westbound lanes will remain open. 

Westbound SR 836 ramp to northbound SR 826 will be closed.
Continue westbound on SR 836, exit NW 87 Avenue/NW 12 Street
South on NW 87 Avenue to eastbound SR 836
Access eastbound SR 836 to northbound SR 826 ramp
Westbound SR 836 loop ramp on the right to southbound SR 826 will be closed
Continue westbound on SR 836, exit NW 87 Avenue/NW 12 Street
South on NW 87 Avenue to eastbound SR 836
Access eastbound SR 836 to southbound SR 826 ramp

On Saturday, February 25, drivers wanting to access northbound SR 826 or the southbound SR 826 exit to West Flagler Street will need to exit at the NW 72 Avenue ramp after NW 57 Avenue.  The southbound flyover ramp to Coral Way on westbound SR 836 will remain open until Sunday evening.

Sunday, February 26, 10:30 p.m. to 5 a.m.:
Westbound SR 836 loop ramp on the right to southbound SR 826 will be closed
Continue westbound on SR 836, exit NW 87 Avenue/NW 12 Street
South on NW 87 Avenue to eastbound SR 836
Access eastbound SR 836 to southbound SR 826 ramp
*         Two southbound lanes on SR 826 will be closed from NW 12 Street to south of West Flagler Street.
*         The westbound SR 836 flyover on the left to southbound SR 826 on the left hand side will be permanently closed.

This closure of the flyover ramp will allow the contractor to construct the new high capacity SR 836 westbound to SR 826 south ramp as well as portions of the new eastbound collector road system. The new traffic pattern will remain in effect for approximately 15 months until the new ramp is constructed. Please note that this schedule may change due to bad weather or other unforeseen conditions.

For more information about the SR 826/SR 836 Interchange Reconstruction Project, please contact Construction Public Information Specialist Oscar Gonzalez at (786) 280-0983 or Project Engineer Francis Chin at (305) 388-5450 or go to

Drivers are encouraged to call 511 before they drive or log on to www.fl511.comto get real-time traffic and lane closure information. FDOT reminds drivers that wearing a safety belt is the single most effective way to protect people and reduce fatalities in motor vehicle crashes. Please drive cautiously in work zones.

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