The National Automobile Dealers Association, National Association of Minority Automobile Dealers and the American International Automobile Dealers Association are trying to protect consumers privacy with a new commitment. Those groups, representing domestic and international automakers, announced that they support the Privacy Principles adopted by the Auto Alliance and Global Automakers ("Principles") and believe that they are a clear and strong demonstration of the automotive industry's firm commitment to transparency and leadership with respect to consumer privacy.
Representatives said that automobiles are undergoing some of the most exciting and profound technological changes in the last 100 years, and “consumers must not only understand the ever-increasing complexity and functionality of their cars and trucks, they also must understand what information their vehicle now collects about them and how that information is treated”.
They tried to defend themselves of and said that “they understand that while consumers enjoy and appreciate those exciting new features, they may also have concerns about vehicle data and want to know what choices they have about how it is used. The Principles address those very valid concerns and allow consumers worry-free enjoyment of their vehicles”.
In a press release, automobile dealers asspciations decalred they will continue to fulfill the central role in educating consumers not only about the features on the vehicles they buy, but also about their choices with respect to their personal and vehicle information throughout the car buying and ownership experience.
Finally, they announced: "America's dealers applaud the Principles outlined today and will continue to work with their manufacturer partners to ensure that the entire automotive industry remains at the forefront of consumer privacy and that customer and vehicle data are treated with the highest levels of care, respect and security".
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